Head: Anatoly F. Velichko
            D.Sc., Assistant Professor,
            Awardee of the Prize of the USSR Council of Ministers
            Tel. (+38-057)720 33 42
            E-mail: afvel@ire.kharkov.ua


Research on:


  • the methods of measuring objects’ location in space and suppression of the reflections from the other scatterers and media boundaries,

  • interaction of the waves of a wide frequency range with an inhomogeneous medium inside the hermetic body of the water-moderated nuclear-power reactor; impact of the inhomogeneous volumetric and surface reflecting and absorbing objects on this electromagnetic field,

  • electromagnetic field action on the solid and liquid media containing complex albumen compounds including microorganisms, at the frequencies that provide a uniform deep penetration of the microwave power and cause the pasteurization, sterilization and diathermy effects,

  • modeling of the phenomena important for developing improved, fast, and more accurate methods of remote measuring and control of operation of the water-moderated nuclear-power reactors.


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