Head: Vladimir G. Sugak,

              Awardee of the K.D.Sinelnikov Prize of NASU
              Tel. (+38-057)720 33 33
              E-mail: sugak@ire.kharkov.ua


Research on:


  • statistical characteristics of the electromagnetic field of microwave and mm-wave ranges interacting with the propagation media, interfaces, and complicated-shape scatterers,

  • time-spatial, spectral and polarization features of Earth surface at low grazing angles, scattered by the medium inhomogeneities, sea and land and by the radar targets,

  • physical and simulation models, and methods for calculating the field characteristics in the radio-systems due to the atmospheric effects and interaction between the waves and the real media boundaries,

  • techniques and algorithms for solving the practical problems of radar detection of the low-altitude objects and remote sensing of land and sea surfaces,

  • microwave methods of subsurface sensing of layered ground structures.


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