Head: Vladimir G. Sugak,
Awardee of the K.D.Sinelnikov Prize of NASU
Tel. (+38-057)720 33 33
E-mail: sugak@ire.kharkov.ua
Research on:
statistical characteristics of the electromagnetic field
of microwave and mm-wave ranges interacting with the propagation media,
interfaces, and complicated-shape scatterers,
time-spatial, spectral and polarization features of Earth
surface at low grazing angles, scattered by the medium inhomogeneities,
sea and land and by the radar targets,
physical and simulation models, and methods for
calculating the field characteristics in the radio-systems due to the
atmospheric effects and interaction between the waves and the real media
techniques and algorithms for solving the practical
problems of radar detection of the low-altitude objects and remote
sensing of land and sea surfaces,
microwave methods of subsurface sensing of layered ground
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