Head: Valery A. YAMPOLSKY
            Associate member of NASU, D.Sc.
            Tel. (+38-057)-720 33 31
            E-mail: yam@ire.kharkov.ua


Research on:


  • nonlinear electromagnetics of metals: propagation of electromagnetic waves under a strong magnetodynamic nonlinearity in various frequency ranges, effect of a strong DC current on the wave propagation,

  • non-stationary quantum transport in semiconductor nanostructures: study of the dependence of the admittance of the quantum point contacts of the frequency of applied voltage and geometry of the contact,

  • nonlinear electromagnetics of HTSC: study of critical state in external electromagnetic field and stimulated transparency,

  • propagation of surface polaritons in semiconductor superlattices: study of the dispersion properties of surface polaritons under conditions of the integer quantum Hall effect,

  • electron and wave transport in bounded disordered media: study of the scattering and localization of waves and particles in the waveguides with random surface and spatial inhomogeneities,

  • theory of integrable systems: development of new methods of obtaining analytical solutions to nonlinear differential equations with applications to various nonlinear phenomena in solid-state physics and field theory,

  • geometrical methods in relativity: study of null submanifolds of physical space-times; application of spinor methods to investigations of light-fronts and isotropic real two-surfaces,

  • the Casimir effect in thin metal films: study of the influence of conductivity, plasma frequency, the frequencies of spatial and surface electron relaxation.


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