It is created in 1981. The main task is the theoretical and experimental investigations of the interaction of electromagnetic fields in wide wave band with semiconductors, dielectric, ferrites, superconductors, and solid state structures (superlattices, layered- periodical structures, plasma- dielectric, and plasma- metal systems).

The goal is obtaining an information about the fundamental properties the pointed objects and using the getting results for technical supplements.

During the years of the existence of the Department, the following results were obtained: the theory of plasma instabilities and nonlinear phenomena in semiconductors was built. The set of the mechanisms of overheating, bean, helical, breaking down instabilities was brought out. The processes of their stabilization and arising of stationary sates (self-excited oscillations, solitary and shock waves, weakly turbulent states etc.) were studied; the theory of the propagation of the electromagnetic and acoustic waves in bounded semiconductors and layer- periodical structures was developed. The new branches of the electromagnetic oscillations were found.

[1.Beletski N.N., Bulgakov A.A., Khankina S.I., Yakovenko V.M. Plasma instabilities and non-linear phenomena in semiconductors. Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1984,p.192.]

[2.Bass F.G.,Bulgakov A.A., Tetervov A.P. High- frequency properties of semiconductors with super- lattice. M.Nauka,1989,p.288]

[3.Beletskii N.N.,Svetlichnyi V.M., Halameida D.D.,Yakovenko V.M. Electromagnetic oscillation SHF range in non-homogeneous semiconductors. Kiev, Naukova Dumka,1991,p.216]

[4.Bass F.G.,Bulgukov A.A., Kinetic and Electrodynamic Phenomena in Classical and Quantum Semiconductor Superlattices. New York, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.,1997,p.490]

The surface electron states localized at an interface of two media are predicted. The reason of the localization is related to the interface roughnesses [Pogrebnyak V.A., Yakovenko V.M., Yakovenko I.V. Electronic surface states at irregular interface of media, Phys. Lett. A.,1995,V.209 A, N.12,p.103, Physics of Solid State,1997,N.10] It was shown that additional 2D and 3D conductivity canals arise in mosaic and semiconducting crystals. These canals effect essentially on the kinetic properties of the crystals. Such parameters of the canals as electron consentration, mobility and effective mass were established experimentally via Shubnikov - Haaz oscillations. The resistance of crystal with a current through 2D and 3D canals was defined.

[Pogrebnyak V.A., Rarenko I.R., Khallameida D.D., Yakovenko V.M. 2D and 3D block boundaries channels in mosaic (Hg Cd)Te crystals. Japan J. Appl.Phys., Part 1, V.36, N.9, Semiconductors, 1998, V.32] A new contactless method for determination of the critical state parameters was elaborated Fisher L.M.., Makarov N.M., Yampol’skii V.A. Effect of microstructure on the magnetic field dependence of the local critical current density in Y Ba2 Cu2 O(7-d) Superconductors. Phys. Rev. 1992, V.46, N17, pp.10986-10996]

A number of new phenomena related to the non-linearity of the critical state model was predicted and studied. The kinetic theory of the vortex system dynamics in superconductor placed into external magnetic field with variable direction was constructed.

[Fisher L.M., Yampol’skii V.A. Collapse of the magnetic moment field. Physica C, 1997, V.278, N.17, pp.169-179] The low- noise (~ 20K) compact traveling- wave solid-state mazer amplifiers with broad gain bandwidth (150-450 MHz) and large gain (20-30 dB) have been developed in 7 mm waveband.

[N.T.Cherpak The quantum amplifiers (mazers) of distributed type in millimeter waveband, Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1996, 216 p.]

The method and experimental technique for microwave impedance properties study and measurements of large-area HTSC films and dielectric substrates have been worked out.

{N.T.Cherpak, E.V.Izhyk, A. Ya.Kirichenko , M.B.Kosmyna, A.V.Velichko Dielectric constant characterization of large-area substrates in millimeter wave band, Int. J. On MM and IR waves, V.17, N.5,p.849-831, 1996]

The radio frequency response of high temperature superconductors to millimeter radiation has been found. Microwave impedance properties of HTS films and their correlation with the films structure were studied.

[A.V.Velichko, N.T.Cherpak, E.V.Izhyk, A.Ya.Kirichenko, I.N.Chikanova High frequency response to millimeter wave irradiation on Y Ba Cu O thin films and ceramic, Pgysica C. 277, p.101-112, 1997]

It is worked out the series of oscillators of electromagnetic oscillations on the base of the electromagnetic phenomena investigation in the non-homogeneous semiconductor- dielectric structures.It is the solid state oscillators of millimeter wave band with “whispering gallery” modes dielectric resonators

[Fillipov Yu.F.,Kharkovskiy S.N., Kirichenko A.Ya.

Whispering Gallery Modes of Non-uniform Dielectric Resonators. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 1995,V.10,N.2,pp.124-129]

[ Kharkovskiy S.N., Kirichenko A.Ya.,Kogut A.E. Solid State Oscillations with Whispering Gallery mode Dielectric Resonators. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 1996,V.12,N.4,pp.210-213]

[Kirichenko A.Ya.,Solodovnik V.A.,Kharkovskii S.N. Solid- State oscillators o millimeter waves with quasi-optical dielectric resonators. Moscow University Phys. Bulletin, 1992, V.47,N.3, p.95—103] and non-destructive evaluation materials devices (dielectric, semiconductor high temperature superconductor)

[Cherpak N.T.,Filipov Yu.F.,Kharkovskii S.N., Kirichenko A.Ya. Quasi-optical dielectric resonators in millimeter wave experiments. Int.J. IF and MM waves, 1993, V.4, N.3,p.617-628] The worked out oscillators

-provide one- or two-frequency generation of high-stability oscillations by Ganna diode or IMPATT in the wave band for 10-150 Hz; -foresee the opportunity for sum of powers the big number of diodes;-have rather small sizes; -can be made by hybrid- integral technology methods and make a good connection with dielectric and volume integral schemes in millimeter wave band. They can be used as heterodyne oscillator, pump generator in any kind radio engineering systems, in parameter control and non-destruction evaluation devices, in medicine technique and so on. It was developed and studied the dependence of spectral parameters of oscillations in open anisotropy and gyrotropy rod on external magnetic field direction or anisotropy axis one.

[Eremenko Z.E., Filippov Yu.F. Axial Homogeneous Oscillations in Semiconductor Rod. International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 1995, V.16, N.4]

[Eremenko Z.E., Filippov Yu.F.

New Types of Electromagnetic Waves in Signal Crystal Dielectric Rod with Arbitrary Direction of Anisotropy Axis. International Journal Of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 1996, V.17,N.3] {Filippov Yu.F. Electromagmetic Waves in Circle Rod at an Arbitrary Direction of External Magnetic Field or Anisotropy Axis. Journal of Techn. Phys., 1997,V.67, N.7. (In Russiian)] It was studied the resonance properties of orthogonal wave guide intersection with dielectric filling ,

[Makeev Yu.G., Motornenko A.P. Free axial- asymmetric oscillations in the wave guide bifurcation with magneto- dielectric filling. GTF,V.6, issue 9,1994,pp.117-126 (in Russian)] wave guide resonator with two-layered dielectric

[Belous R.I., Belous O.I., Makeev Yu.G.,Motornenko A.P. Eigen Electromagnetic Oscillations in the waveguide - dielectric resonator with two- layered filling. Inf. And Millimeter Waves, V.18,N.10,1997] it was discovered the peculiarities of the wave propagation in wave guide with plasma of SHF discharge

[Belous R.I., Drukarenko S.P.,Motornenko A.P. The calculation of the electromagnetic wave characteristics in plasma wave guide. Radiotechina i electronika, V.41,N.11,1996, PP.1344-1342]

[Belous R.I., Motornenko A.P. The peculiarities of electromagnetic wave propagation in the wave guide with plasma of gas discharge in dielectric tube. Radiophys. i Electronika, Collection of the scientific works of Ins. For Radiophys. and Electronics, N.1, 1996, pp.76-80] It was created the semiconductor oscillators and frequency converters with small sizes and weight in centimeter and millimeter wave band.

[Astionenko I.A., Motornenko A.P. Small clearence solid state SHF oscillator. Radiotechnika i Electronika. V.36, N.7, 1991, pp.1398-1402]

[Makeev Yu.G., Motornenko A.P.,Zorkin A.A. A semiconductor micro- wave generator with waveguide -dielectric cavity. Instruments and Experimental Techn. V.38,N.6,ppart 1, 1995] it was suggested the determination of dielectric, ferrite, gas charge plasma parameters by radio- physical method

[Makeev Yu.G.,Strizhachenko A.V., Korobkin V.A., Motornenko A.P. Local measuring of electrical parameters of ferrite samples, Pribory i techn. experimenta, N4,1998] 

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