Methods used for the solution of boundary-value problems of WG electromagnetics.


Mode-matching technique.

            Method of inversion of the main part of the convolution-type matrix operators.

            Moment method with the basis functions accounting for the field singularity

            at the edges.

            Integral equation method.

            Basic and modified residue-calculus technique.

            Wiener-Hopf technique.

            Weber-Schafheitlien integral technique.

            Riemann-Hilbert problem technique.

            Method of virtual decomposition.

            Generalized scattering matrix technique.

            LSE-LSM scalarization technique for 3-D problems.

Method of repeated shortening of side arms for calculation of multiport S-matrix

Method of transversal resonance

Methods using the spectrums of complex eigen-frequencies


List of algorithms and programs (C++)


1.       H-plane discontinuities in rectangular waveguides.

1.1.    T-junction of rectangular waveguides.

1.2.    Y-junction of rectangular waveguides.

1.3.    Cross-junction of rectangular waveguides.

1.4.    Rectangular waveguide bifurcation on N channels.

1.5.    Rectangular waveguide bifurcation on two channels.

1.6.    Angled bend in a rectangular waveguide.

1.7.    Inclined shortening in a rectangular waveguide.

1.8.    Truncated angled bend in a rectangular waveguide.

1.9.    Inclined dielectric interface in a rectangular waveguide.

1.10.Symmetrical step in a rectangular waveguide.

1.11.Nonsymmetrical step in a rectangular waveguide.


2.       E-plane discontinuities in rectangular waveguides.

2.1.    T-junction of rectangular waveguides.

2.2.    Y-junction of rectangular waveguides.

2.3.    Cross-junction of rectangular waveguides.

2.4.    Rectangular waveguide bifurcation on N channels.

2.5.    Rectangular waveguide bifurcation on two channels.

2.6.    Angled bend in a rectangular waveguide.

2.7.    Inclined shortening in a rectangular waveguide.

2.8.    Truncated angled bend in a rectangular waveguide.

2.9.    Inclined dielectric interface in a rectangular waveguide.

2.10.Symmetrical step in a rectangular waveguide.

2.11.Nonsymmetrical step in a rectangular waveguide.


3.       Symmetrical discontinuities in circular and coaxial waveguides.

3.1.    Bifurcation of a circular waveguide ( - modes).

3.2.    Bifurcation of a circular waveguide (-modes).

3.3.    Bifurcation of a coaxial waveguide (-modes).

3.4.    Bifurcation of a coaxial waveguide ( -modes, TEM).

3.5.    Step in a circular waveguide (-modes).

3.6.    Step in a circular waveguide (-modes).

3.7.    Step in a coaxial waveguide (-modes).

3.8.    Step in a coaxial waveguide (-modes, TEM).

3.9.    Dielectric interface in a circular waveguide.

3.10.Dielectric interface in a coaxial waveguide.


4.       3-D waveguide discontinuities in the full-mode basis.

4.1.    T-junction of rectangular waveguides.

4.2.    Multifurcation of a rectangular waveguide on N channels with non-changed one of transversal dimensions.

4.3.    Symmetrical angled bend in a rectangular waveguide.

4.4.    Nonsymmetrical angled bend in a rectangular waveguide.

4.5.    Inclined shortening in a rectangular waveguide.

4.6.    Rectangular waveguides cross-junction.

4.7.    Rectangular waveguides Y-junction.

4.8.    Generalized plane junction of N rectangular waveguides the cross-sections of which are described by common coordinate system.

4.9.    Generalized plane junction of N rectangular waveguides the cross-sections of which are described by different coordinate systems (titled cross-sections).

4.10.Normal dielectric interface in a rectangular waveguide.

4.11.One-plane inclined dielectric interface in a rectangular waveguide.

4.12.Bifurcation of a circular waveguide.

4.13.Bifurcation of a coaxial waveguide.

4.14.Step in a circular waveguide.

4.15.Step in a coaxial waveguide.

4.16.Junction of circular and coaxial waveguides.

4.17.Non-axial junction of two circular waveguides.

4.18.Dielectric interface in a coaxial waveguide.

4.19.Dielectric interface in a circular waveguide.

4.20.Rectangular-to-circular waveguide junction.

4.21.Circular-to-rectangular waveguide junction

4.22.Rectangular waveguide tee with matching-tuning iris insert.

4.23.Rectangular waveguide tee with matching-tuning resonant circular rod insert.


5.       Discontinuities in concrete waveguides of complicated cross-sections and partially filled waveguides.

5.1.    Rectangular-to-symmetric ridged waveguide junction.

5.2.    Rectangular-to-nonsymmetrical ridged waveguide junction.

5.3.    Junction of ridged waveguides.

5.4.    Rectangular-to-partially filled rectangular waveguide junction.

5.5.    Bifurcation of a partially filled rectangular waveguide by metal semi-plate.

5.6.    Junction of two one-conductor bar-lines.

5.7.    Junction of two multiconductor bar-lines.

5.8.    Tee junction of rectangular bar-line and rectangular waveguide (non-contact-probe excitation).

5.9.    Tee junction of rectangular bar-line and rectangular waveguide (contact-probe excitation).


6.       Discontinuities in generalized waveguides of complicated cross-sections.

6.1.    Plane junction of two or more waveguides with coordinate outer and inner piecewise linear boundaries, including multiconductor lines.


7.       Waveguide radiators.

7.1.    H-plane open-ended parallel-plate waveguide.

7.2.    E-plane open-ended parallel-plate waveguide.

7.3.    H-plane flanged open-ended parallel-plate waveguide.

7.4.    E-plane flanged open-ended parallel-plate waveguide.

7.5.    Open-ended circular waveguide (-modes).

7.6.    Open-ended circular waveguide (-modes).


8.       Related problems - periodical structures (Floque-waves basis).

8.1.    Grating of thick semi-plates (E- and H-polarization).

8.2.    Rectangular rod grating (E-- and H-polarization).

8.3.    Circular rod grating (E-- and H-polarization).

8.4.    Strip grating (E-- and H-polarization).

8.5.    Echelette grating (E-- and H-polarization).

8.6.    Corrugated grating (E-- and H-polarization).

8.7.    Grating of inclined semi-plates (E- and H-polarization).

8.8.    Louver-type grating (E- and H-polarization).

8.9.    Dielectric interface (E- and H-polarization).

8.10.Rectangular dielectric rod grating (E- and H-polarization).