Development and Design of THz Clinotron Oscillators

CRDF Global Project no. UKP1-9126-KH-13

    Sources of electromagnetic radiation in THz range are necessary for an increasing number of applications in the technologies and many scientific researches including high data rate communications, concealed weapon or threat detection, remote high resolution imaging, chemical spectroscopy, materials research, deep space research and communications, basic biological spectroscopy and biomedical diagnostics. Many vacuum electron devices and solid-state devices can generate in this actively developed frequency range but are limited to low output powers. The most powerful devices in THz range are the Gyrotrons, but these devices require very strong magnetic field that makes them rather big scale and expensive devices. Also the Gyrotrons have narrow band frequency tuning that makes the limitation of their application in many technologies, such as radars, remote sensing, THz imaging, biomedical diagnostics and etc.

    To overcome these problems we propose a compact THz oscillator with high output power – Clinotron.


    This oscillator’s output power is almost an order of magnitude higher than that of BWO – the oscillator, which is widely used at present, while the Clinotron has the same size and tuning frequency band. Therefore the Clinotron is the oscillator that can be used in those areas where previously BWO was applied. In the same time, quality of results such as accuracy and resolution, obtained by use of the Clinotron will be much higher. Also, in some areas such as plasma investigation, radar, etc., where BWO power is insufficient, the Clinotron practically the only oscillator that can be currently applied. Thus, we believe that the Clinotron is very attractive oscillator, which will find many customers. Therefore, to introduce into the market we have to do basic things: upgrading the existing Clinotron technology, its licensing and also advertising and seeking for the customers. At present, we have relationships with customers interested in such oscillators and plan manufacturing of upgraded Clinotrons and their sale. At the same time we will find new customers by making new contacts at conferences, seminars, more thorough market research and advertising in the Internet. We expect that funds that will be invested in the Clinotron manufacturing technology and seek and relationships with customers will be equal to income after year.

Project Work Plan

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