Date & Place of Birth: 2001, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2023-2025 |
On-training M.S. student, Laboratory of Micro and Nano Optics,
Institute of Radio-Physics and Electronics NASU, Kharkiv, Ukraine |
Erasmus M.S. Training Program, IRE NASU and University of Cassino
and Southern Lazio, Cassino, Italy. |
Erasmus Double Master's Program, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv
National University and L’Aquila University, Italy. |
2020 |
Electronic equipment assembler (on-training student), Technology Group Ekipazh LTD, Ukraine |
2018-2022 |
Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematics, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National
University, Ukraine. B.S. degree |
M.S.: |
"Numerical modelling of electromagnetic wave focusing by a graphene-assisted
discrete Luneburg lens using a convergent algorithm."
Supervisor: Dr. S.V. Dukhopelnykov
B.S.: |
"The scattering of waves from layered circular dielectric rod partially covered with graphene."
Supervisor: Dr. S.V. Dukhopelnykov
Scattering and Absorption of Light, Graphene, Plasmon Resonances, Lens
Antennas, Eigenvalue Problems, Lasing
2025 |
Travel Grant of EurAAP for attending EuCAP-2025 conference in Stockholm
2024 |
Travel Grant of IEEE PHS for attending IEEE Photonics-2024 conference in Rome
IEEE Photonics Society Graduate Student Scholarship, for the work on the project “Tunable improvement of
cylindrical Luneburg lens focusing ability using a conformal strip of graphene,”
Travel Grant of EuMA for attending EuMC-2024 conference in Paris
Travel Grant of EurAAP for attending EuCAP-2024 conference in Glasgow
2023 |
Travel Grant of EuMA for attending EuMC-2023 conference in Berlin
Travel Grant of EurAAP for attending EuCAP-2023 conference in Florence
IEEE AP-S Eugene F. Knott Memorial Pre-Doctoral Research Grant for the work on the project "The scattering of
waves from layered circular dielectric rod partially covered with graphene"
2022 |
Travel Grant of EuMA for attending EuMC-2022 conference in Milan
2018-2022 |
Scholarships from the Kharkiv National University |
2024 |
M.S. studies, Erasmus+ project stay at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, Italy, 3 months
2023 |
M.S. studies, Erasmus+ project stay at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, Italy, 3 months
2022-2023 |
M.S. studies, Erasmus+ project stay at the L’Aquila University, Italy, 6 months
2022+ | IEEE student member #98213420 |
2020-2021 | Participation in student
conferences at KhNU, Kharkiv |
1. |
I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, R. Sauleau, M. Lucido, A.I. Nosich, "Improvement of the
cylindrical Luneburg lens focusing ability with the aid of conformal graphene strip," Optics
Express, vol. 32, no 23, pp. 41726-41740, 2024.
10. |
I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, M. Lucido, "Plasmon resonance radiation conductance
enhancement of 2-D Luneburg lens antenna equipped with conformal graphene strip,"
Proc. European Conf. on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP-20235), Stockholm, 2025, pp. 1-4.
This paper was awarded Ukrainian Student Travel Grant of EurAAP
9. |
I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, "Modal near fields of tunable
plasmonic laser shaped as circular quantum wire decorated with graphene strip,"
Proc. IEEE Photonics Conf. (IEEE-PHC-2024), Rome, 2024. This paper
was awarded Student Travel Grant of IEEE PHS
8. |
I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, "Luneburg lens focusing improvement
with the aid of graphene strip tuned to plasmon resonance,"
Proc. European Microwave Conf. (EuMC-2024), Paris. This paper
was awarded Student Travel Grant of EuMA
7. |
I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, "Improvement of 2-D Luneburg lens
focusing ability with the aid of conformal graphene strip,"
Proc. IEEE Antennas Propagat. Int. Symp. Digest (IEEE-APS-2024), Florence, 2024.
6. |
I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, M. Lucido, "Influence of the
incidence angle on the focusing of Luneburg lens partially covered with graphene,"
Proc. European Conf. on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP-2024), Glasgow, 2024, pp. 1-4.
This paper was awarded Ukrainian Student Travel Grant of EurAAP
5. |
I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, "Cylindrical Luneburg lens
equipped with conformal graphene strip as efficient THz absorber,"
Proc. European Microwave Conf. (EuMC-2023), Berlin, 2023, pp. 484-487. This paper
was awarded Student Travel Grant of EuMA
4. |
I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, "MAR algorithm for cylindrical Luneburg
lens equipped with conformal graphene strip,"
Proc. European Conf. on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP-2023), Florence, 2023, pp. 1-4.
This paper was awarded Ukrainian Student Travel Grant of EurAAP
3. |
I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, "Elementary electric dipole excitation
of graphene spherical disk,"
Proc. Int. Conf. Ukrainian Microwave Week (UKRMW-2022), Kharkiv, 2022, pp. 388-391.
2. |
I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, R. Sauleau, "Non-plasmon resonances in
the E-polarized plane wave scattering and absorption by a circular dielectric wire with partial graphene
cover," Proc. Int. Conf. Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO-2022), Kyiv, 2022, pp. 160–163.
1. |
I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, "2-D scattering and absorption of E-polarized
plane wave by a circular dielectric wire with partial graphene cover,"
Proc. European Microwave Conf. (EuMC-2022), Milan, 2022, pp. 290–293. This paper
was awarded Young Scientist Travel Grant of EuMA
Skiing, Trekking
Prof. |
M. Lucido, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, Italy.
Email: lucido[at] |