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Vitae of Iryna O. Mikhailikova

IRE NASU, vul. Proskury 12, Kharkiv 61085, Ukraine
Tel: +380-57-763-4382 (office)
E-mail: irinamihaylikova [at] gmail.com
Date & Place of Birth: 2001, Kharkiv, Ukraine

2023-2025 On-training M.S. student, Laboratory of Micro and Nano Optics, Institute of Radio-Physics and Electronics NASU, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Erasmus M.S. Training Program, IRE NASU and University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, Italy.
Erasmus Double Master's Program, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and L’Aquila University, Italy.
2020 Electronic equipment assembler (on-training student), Technology Group Ekipazh LTD, Ukraine
2018-2022 Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematics, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine. B.S. degree

M.S.: "Numerical modelling of electromagnetic wave focusing by a graphene-assisted discrete Luneburg lens using a convergent algorithm." Supervisor: Dr. S.V. Dukhopelnykov
B.S.: "The scattering of waves from layered circular dielectric rod partially covered with graphene." Supervisor: Dr. S.V. Dukhopelnykov

Scattering and Absorption of Light, Graphene, Plasmon Resonances, Lens Antennas, Eigenvalue Problems, Lasing

2025 Travel Grant of EurAAP for attending EuCAP-2025 conference in Stockholm
2024 Travel Grant of IEEE PHS for attending IEEE Photonics-2024 conference in Rome
IEEE Photonics Society Graduate Student Scholarship, for the work on the project “Tunable improvement of cylindrical Luneburg lens focusing ability using a conformal strip of graphene,”
Travel Grant of EuMA for attending EuMC-2024 conference in Paris
Travel Grant of EurAAP for attending EuCAP-2024 conference in Glasgow
2023 Travel Grant of EuMA for attending EuMC-2023 conference in Berlin
Travel Grant of EurAAP for attending EuCAP-2023 conference in Florence
IEEE AP-S Eugene F. Knott Memorial Pre-Doctoral Research Grant for the work on the project "The scattering of waves from layered circular dielectric rod partially covered with graphene"
2022 Travel Grant of EuMA for attending EuMC-2022 conference in Milan
2018-2022 Scholarships from the Kharkiv National University

2024 M.S. studies, Erasmus+ project stay at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, Italy, 3 months
2023 M.S. studies, Erasmus+ project stay at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, Italy, 3 months
2022-2023 M.S. studies, Erasmus+ project stay at the L’Aquila University, Italy, 6 months
2022+IEEE student member #98213420
2020-2021Participation in student conferences at KhNU, Kharkiv

1. I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, R. Sauleau, M. Lucido, A.I. Nosich, "Improvement of the cylindrical Luneburg lens focusing ability with the aid of conformal graphene strip," Optics Express, vol. 32, no 23, pp. 41726-41740, 2024. [pdf]

10. I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, M. Lucido, "Plasmon resonance radiation conductance enhancement of 2-D Luneburg lens antenna equipped with conformal graphene strip," Proc. European Conf. on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP-20235), Stockholm, 2025, pp. 1-4. This paper was awarded Ukrainian Student Travel Grant of EurAAP
9. I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, "Modal near fields of tunable plasmonic laser shaped as circular quantum wire decorated with graphene strip," Proc. IEEE Photonics Conf. (IEEE-PHC-2024), Rome, 2024. This paper was awarded Student Travel Grant of IEEE PHS
8. I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, "Luneburg lens focusing improvement with the aid of graphene strip tuned to plasmon resonance," Proc. European Microwave Conf. (EuMC-2024), Paris. This paper was awarded Student Travel Grant of EuMA
7. I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, "Improvement of 2-D Luneburg lens focusing ability with the aid of conformal graphene strip," Proc. IEEE Antennas Propagat. Int. Symp. Digest (IEEE-APS-2024), Florence, 2024.
6. I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, M. Lucido, "Influence of the incidence angle on the focusing of Luneburg lens partially covered with graphene," Proc. European Conf. on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP-2024), Glasgow, 2024, pp. 1-4. This paper was awarded Ukrainian Student Travel Grant of EurAAP
5. I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, "Cylindrical Luneburg lens equipped with conformal graphene strip as efficient THz absorber," Proc. European Microwave Conf. (EuMC-2023), Berlin, 2023, pp. 484-487. This paper was awarded Student Travel Grant of EuMA
4. I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, "MAR algorithm for cylindrical Luneburg lens equipped with conformal graphene strip," Proc. European Conf. on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP-2023), Florence, 2023, pp. 1-4. This paper was awarded Ukrainian Student Travel Grant of EurAAP
3. I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, "Elementary electric dipole excitation of graphene spherical disk," Proc. Int. Conf. Ukrainian Microwave Week (UKRMW-2022), Kharkiv, 2022, pp. 388-391.
2. I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, R. Sauleau, "Non-plasmon resonances in the E-polarized plane wave scattering and absorption by a circular dielectric wire with partial graphene cover," Proc. Int. Conf. Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO-2022), Kyiv, 2022, pp. 160–163.
1. I.O. Mikhailikova, S.V. Dukhopelnykov, "2-D scattering and absorption of E-polarized plane wave by a circular dielectric wire with partial graphene cover," Proc. European Microwave Conf. (EuMC-2022), Milan, 2022, pp. 290–293. This paper was awarded Young Scientist Travel Grant of EuMA


Prof. M. Lucido, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, Italy. Email: lucido[at]unicas.it  

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